My son Boris has an insect jar; one of those plastic containers with a magnifying glass lid. He and his bestie often run around in the garden looking for critters. They then place them inside the jar, together with some…
A ‘Sparklemuffin’ is an Australian species of spider, belonging to the jumping spider family. I don’t know how I found out about this bizarrely named spider, but I decided to name this font after it! Sparklemuffin is a reincarnation of…
I was watching a science fiction movie with my son Boris the other day. It had a character in it called the ‘Supreme Leader’. I thought that title was hilarious, so I decided to name a font after it. Supreme…
I have always found it quite interesting that the stuff that makes us who we are for a large part comes from chemicals. The average 70 kg adult human body contains around 60 chemical elements, of which 29 are thought…
I have been to Australia twice; once for almost a year and once for a couple of months. During my first visit, I hitch hiked around Australia – looking for seasonal jobs, like picking grapes, lychees and avocados. I also…
Back in 2013 I released an all caps font called Rum Doodle. Rum Doodle is a really nice, really weird font with angular glyphs and a unique look. I decided that it would be nice to tweak this font a…
Description: Snappy Fingers is a remake of a really old font, called Joe Schmoe, which I made for my other foundry years ago. I really like this font, but it needed a lower case and some serious tweaking. Snappy Fingers…
A crumpet is a small griddle bread, mostly enjoyed in the UK, North America, Australia and New Zealand. I have never had one, but I have heard of them and I like the name – which is probably Welsh in…
A ‘Leaden Sky’ is a dark grey sky without clouds. We don’t see too many of them here in Holland, as we usually have lots of clouds. Yesterday, however, the sky turned a sinister greyish green and it spewed out…
Équipage is a French word meaning ‘crew’. It is used for the crew on boats, airplanes, but it also applies to horse-drawn carriages and all that goes with it. Originally the word means ‘to fit out’ and it is probably…